بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قال الله سبحانه وتعالى في محكم تنزيله
“لَّا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ أَن تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ”
صدق الله العلي العظيم

In the Name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Generous

Allah said in the holy Quran:
"Allah does not forbid us from being kind and merciful to those who do not kill us or those who do not expel us from our homes to another land on earth, on account of religion. But indeed Allah wants us to be kind and merciful to them. By them, Allah means the American people, the European people, the Australian people, and all the Caucasian people, all the Western people, and by us, Allah means the Muslim People."
"Indeed, Allah loves those who are merciful and justices." (Quran)

And I am asking Allah to be witness that I said this, and Allah is the best witnesser.

I want everyone to know something: Whenever I write something, the Devil (Iblis) and his Jinn Gays Group (Iblis Group) change it to the opposite of what I am trying to say. They do this to confuse my audience, for the purpose of “machination.”

Image of Mutaz Elhag

Club House Name: The Poet الشاعر
The Poet معتز عوض احمد الحاج حمد محمد
I am a Muslim American Citizen and I am Very Proud

This is me playing a musical keyboard

Click to Play the song I sing and play on a musical keyboard

I Love the U.S.A. So Much

So, I am calling for The Real Freedom

The Freedom Without the Control of The Invisible Devil Iblis and his Jinn Gays Group

I am fighting the Devil Iblis and his Jinn Gays Group by myself. Are there any supporters out there to support me?

I want everyone to know that Allah is with us.

All of my supporters, please know that Allah is with us in our mission to fight the Devil Iblis and his Jinn Gays Group.

I Do not Believe in Wars

I Do not Believe in Violence

I Do not Believe in killing Muslims.

I Do not Believe in killing anyone.

I Believe in The Real Freedoms

I Believe in Education

The Key to solving any problems is through Education

I am Honest

I Have No Fear of Saying That

I Speak My Mind

One Day the Real Freedom Will Come

And the Dark Days Will See the Light

Vote Republican

Vote Only Republican Please

American Flag

May Allah Bless America. I am a Muslim American Citizen and I am Very Proud

Image of Mutaz Elhag

Computer Network Engineer DR. Mutaz Awad Elhag


2025-2029 National University - 9388 Lightwave Ave, San Diego, CA 92123, USA
PhD in Data Science
Click Here to Go to National University's Website

2023 to January 2025 - Keller Graduate School of Management, Naperville, IL, USA
M.S. of Network Communication Management Technology
Click Here to Go to Keller Graduate School of Management Website

2019 to 2023 - DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA
M.S. of Network Engineering & Security
Click Here to Go to DePaul University Website

2005 to 2011 - DeVry University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
B.S. of Computer Networking Technical Management
Click Here to Go to DeVry University Website

1991 to 1995 - S.C.E.T, Chalakudy, Kerala State, India
Associate Degree in Aeronautical Engineering
Click Here to Go to S.C.E.T. Website

Click Here to Go to My Complete Resume and Certificates Documents
Resume Image Resume Image

My Poems at AllPoetry.com website
Click Here to Go to My Webpage at AllPoetry.com Website

My Translating Culture Book at Amazon.com website:
Click Here to Go to My Book at Amazon.com Website

Book Image

Image Description

My Love to the Preamble of the United States Constitution which is "We The People"
To whom I thank America to whom

It gave me the education for free.

It gave me many things without waiting

for a reward back like a beautiful tree.

Feeding people the kindness they deserve and

being good and the reflection of it, now I see.

From the bottom of my heart if I thank you

Many times it would not be enough from me.

You deserve the love from us loyalty patriotism

Under the Statue of Liberty signifying we.

We The People the one indeed

its freedom Beautifully guarantee.

Without hypocrisy I swear this is

The feeling right now inside of me.

counting my love from one a number in the

definition of love the existence of three.

America then Patriotism then Loyalty

prostrating's pure mortality prestigious degree.

My respect to the preamble of the united states

Constitution we the people and the people are we.

thank you America.

She is When She is Asleep

I am looking at you at this time and you are asleep.

What a beautiful Dalia she is in there so deep.

In her inner beauty wanting her love and sip.

Until getting drunk on her beauty getting enough not

Indeed, let me slip in her love let me slip.

And keep her tied close to me while asleep.

Let me keep loving her let me keep.

In my heart, she is a secret, I might leap.

Diving inside of her, getting meaning.

and watching her in her kip.

She is sleeping, I am looking at her smiling at her hip.

But now I must let her finish her sleep.

Good night

a man must not be soft but a man can be nostalgic !

I am complaining about you to you.

I am complaining about you but to you.

I am complaining about you also to you.

In the swear of your nostalgic sweet speech

That always dripping from your lips.

in the swear of the eyes of a female deer

that is jealous of your beautiful eyes.

in the swear of the clear purity of your morality

which is in Prostrating between your hands.

I am complaining from you to you.

Singing the bird of love

And my heart is broken.

When my heart will stop suffering the separation?

i am complaining about you to you.

But, Also,

I am complaining to you about you.

My friends blame me of my love to you.

they came back and gave me an excuse when they saw you.

then they also start singing with me and you are the song

tomorrow they will cry me when I am gone.

my crying is enjoying you in which is

in time my rhymes are smiling with you

I have registered to you, my soul.

Tell me how I forget you.

I am complaining about you to you.

they ask me how I loved.

And you are the love of my life.

By my crying, I have watered by my tears.

Your nostalgic garden loves flowers

which made me complaining from you to you.

Is it different .... complaining about you to you .... or ...... complaining to you about you ......

in the nostalgic meaning Dictionary if you will ! ...

I say yes, .....

which one is more nostalgic?

I say... the first one ....

because .... the first one....

has no ego on it ...

but.. .

the second one ..... does .....

in the nostalgic meanings Dictionary if you will !

I am Talking to You, My Heart. Don't you Ever Forget

Never my heart and don't you ever forget

For One day the advice as to forget love.

because of, Why do you get mistreated by

your lover! and the Himulations in reality are forbidden.

You suffer alone at night and

all the people are sleeping.

If she comes back to say I am sorry

Show her how the quarrel is.

Do not let the longings take you back.

I know my heart you are nostalgic.

Because of that, you will get gloated at.

And get forgotten.

the girl mistreated you.

you will get your revenge back

by an another person doing her the same

mistreatment you have gotten

And the girl who lefted your love

Never safeguarded her in your heart again.

And the same as she made your eyes cry.

Makes her eyes stay up all night cannot sleep.

And get forgotten.

Do not ever tell me my heart that I cannot live without her.

What did I gain from love except its burden and its sorrow?


by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on March 25, 2024 it is a monday.  © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved


I am not happy and I do not know why.

I feel like I want to cry.

You are a piece of gold that I found.

Inside of you there is some shy

Life is strange; it sometimes gathers us

But Also, And separates us from each other

And this is a reality, no lie.

I hope I will see you one day in this life.

And, in the life after, we will be together.

Forever living life in, without we die.

Now I am missing you.

May Allah bless you and give you someone.

Better than me to be your husband.

And you can leave me to my cry.

I am accepting what Allah gave me.

With no rejection from my side, I clarify.

Finally, I am saying a man should not cry.

But I am a man, and I did cry.

Before she just left, I said to her goodbye.

I feel like I am a Lab Rat that

Many experiments on me have been try.

I complain my sorrow and my sadness to Allah only.

Insha Allah, he sees it as indeed identify.


أنا لست سعيدًا، ولا أعرف السبب

. أشعر وكأنني أريد البكاء

. أنت قطعة من الذهب التي وجدتها

. بداخلك هناك بعض الخجل

الحياة غريبة؛ تجمعنا أحياناً، ولكن

وتفرقنا وهذا واقع لا كذب

. أتمنى أن أراك يومًا ما في هذه الحياة

. وفي الحياة التالية، سنكون معًا

. نعيش الحياة إلى الأبد، بدون أن نموت

. الآن أنا أفتقدك

. بارك الله فيك وأعطاك شخص ما

. أفضل مني أن أكون زوجك

. ويمكنك أن تتركني لبكائي

. أنا أقبل ما أعطاني الله

. مع عدم وجود رفض من جانبي، أوضح

. وأخيرا أقول لا ينبغي للرجل أن يبكي

. لكني رجل، وقد بكيت

. قبل أن تغادر للتو، قلت لها وداعا

. أشعر وكأنني مختبر الفئران ذلك

. لقد تم تجربة العديد من التجارب علي

. إنما أشكو بثي وحزني إلى الله وحده

. إن شاء الله، فهو يراها كما هو بالفعل


Poems by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag
Glimpse From Her
by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 7, 2023. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Naïve and sweet. She is my darling

she has changed me from struggling.

Honey dripping honey when she is walking.

Nostalgic, she has all the sensitivity and feelings.

Leading to her soul, which was in clearing.

I have traveled in her eye, seeing sanctity and meaning.

Naïve the naiveness of a baby born spreads joying.

I want to tell her she is the one I was searching

My always-dreamed girl. I cannot believe I have founding.

She then laughs and giggles, smiling.

I love her, and I love her again and again in

When I sent her Tevin Campbell singing

Can we talk for a minute, girl? I want to know your naming.

I felt a glimpse of her nostalgia and wanted to crying.

Without sense, I found myself in love. She is my darling.

Carrying My Happiness To You

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on October 6, 2022. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I came carrying my happiness to you

wishing to spend the rest of my life with you

but I found in your eyes

my love dies

I found in your eyes

there is no nostalgia

then I left in nice

I came back home

crying inside in silence

At that moment I felt moaning

Could not write I was glooming

Ending this love

wanting your last just seeing

before saying goodbye forever in


اغنية مرحبا يا شوق

كلمات الشاعر بن رفاعة مولانا الجيلي عبد المنعم، الذي التقى بوردي لأول مرة في عام 1959م أثناء حفل بمدني

لم يكن إلا لقاء وافترقنا

كالفراشات على نار الهوى جئنا إليها واحترقنا

كان طيفا وخيالا ورؤى ثم ودعنا الأماني وأفقنا

بالذي أودع في عينيك إلهاما وسحرا

والذي أبدع فيك الحسن اشراقا وطهرا

لا تدعني للأسى يدفعنى مدا وجزرا

أثقلت كفي الضراعات وما تقبل عذرا

يا حبيبا بت أشكو حرقة الوجد اليه

وتوسلت نذرت العمر قربانا لديه

ماله لو عاد والقلب رهين بيديه

وعيوني ظامئات للهوى من مقلتيه

يا لقلبي عاد من بعد النوي يطوي شراعا

بالهوى يبعث في الروح حنينا واندفاعا

مرحبا يا شوق أغمرني شجونا والتياعا

فوداعا للذي شيدته بين الضلوع فتداعى

Mirage Love

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on September 23, 2022. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

far from me, your steps did not touch

the face of the road and you’ve gone

into the clouds fetching for love

in the mirage habitually, not for fun

and I call for you, answering me the echo

of the unknown, your finished sound done

and I waited for you, my girl

for love and you did not come

and the time passes by me and ran

I do not want to say goodbye

your love for me is the sun

shining in my life

happily with it I am having fun

كلمات أغنية وجيدة..

الشاعر قريب الله عبد الواحد..

بعيد عني ..

خطاك ما لامست وجه الطريق ..

ومشيتي لا فوق غيمه لا ظني ..

كأنك من وراء صفحة زجاج مبلول …

وراك الريح ..

وقدامك مدى السكة وندا المجهول ..

وأنادي ليك ..

وجيدة … وجيدة

لا إلتفتي ولا لوحتي بي إيدك ..

وأنادي ليك ..

يجاوبني المدى الفاتح مدارج الهم ..

بتبقى وجيده طعنة سيف ..

موسدة في شق السماء المرسوم ..

وسادة دم …

وتبقى إيدنا في إيديك ..

وفي شعرك ..

وفي المنديل ..


Since You Are Happy

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on September 16, 2022. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Since you are happy

Do not mind my cry

Like a beautiful flower

you are so shy

I cry alone in loneliness

To you, my heart always fly

to be with you not with me

if it is it will surely die

I do not love to cry

But I am missing you

Nostalgia to you on me so high

I love you so much

but I gotta say goodbye

when in it, I so cry

You Are Saying Goodbye, The Word of Goodbye, who Can who Sadly Take it

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on March 22, 2022. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

بتقول وداع كلمة وداع يا سيدي مين البحمله

You are saying goodbye, the word of goodbye, who can who sadly take it

ما لسّه نحنا مع الزمن، ودنيانا دابه في اوله

We are still in the time, and our sphere is just in it is beginning


عِزة شبابنا مع صفاك

The pride of our youth with your clarity

يا سيدي زاهية مكملة

blooms my love in its completeness

الدنيا بيك صارت ربيع

Our sphere because of you, became spring

وزهور جميلة مظلِلِة

with a shadow of beautiful flowers

أرجوك يا زولي الحنين

please my nostalgic girl

أعرف حياتي اتأملا

look at my life and think about it

ما لسّه نحنا مع الزمن، ودنيانا دابه في اوله

We are still in the time, and our sphere is just in it is beginning


انا غيرك انت ما بعيش في الدنيا ثانية أكمله

Without you, I can not live for even a complete second

ما انت سيد وهناي، أظهرت تاجك في العلا

Because you are the happiness master of my soul

يتلاصف النور في الجبين

Like colliding light in the face

نايرات خدوده مببلة

to the Wetting of your cheeks blooms

ما لسّه نحنا مع الزمن، ودنيانا دابه في اوله

We are still in the time, and our sphere is just in it is beginning

She Was Not Mine

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on March 2, 2022. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I cry the past

I cry her she was not mine

I miss her now, before, then, and in the coming time

After all these years, still, when I remember her, I feel dying

Why she was not mine

Is it because of my stupidity, immigrated without leaving her a sign?

Or is it fate put me and her in separate lines

I wish crying will make me feel fine

Or her love sorrow will go away by crying

But I will be optimistic, maybe in the life after, she will be mine

Hopefully in need by then please be mine

Destinies my love, I thought you are mine ********** اغنية اقدار يا نور عيني انا كنت فاكرك لي


by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on November 24, 2021. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Destinies my love I thought you were mine

I did not know that one day

I will come back to you undefended

Carrying my sorrows from you that

I thought you were mine

Spheres will show and the era will teach

When you have gone into this sphere

whom other than you do I have

I was thinking you were mine

Knowing not the time and its rules

Burdening of a lover he is not

seeing in front of him

knowing now the time

will separate us

and from you will deprive me

dictating the happy years

of what to might it, I will forget

the patient of the years

that its kept inside of us

many people read from and

became to the hinderers a sorrow

if you have bored from my love

you have left alone my heart

unwillingness I have to forgive you

and wipe away my tears

I am not blaming you

If more my tears kept running

Unwillingness my tears run to

Between us more and more

Form my deep heart I wish you

To have a happy life without me

And one day you might greet me

The “Henna” in my hands

Destinies my love

I thought you are mine


اقدار يا نور عيني

انا كنت فاكرك لي

ما كنت متصور

يوم أجيك مغلوب

شايل جرح دنياي

من زولاً كان محبوب

الدنيا ياما توري

والدهر ياما يقرى

لمن تفوت إنت

يا حبيبو يا انت

في الدنيا بس شن لي

أنا كنت فاكرك لي

ناسي الزمن وأحكامو

هم البريد فى يومو

مابدور يشوف قدامو

تاري الزمن بيفرقني

منك بعيد يحرمني

يظلم سنينالسمحة

ينسى العذاب البي

صبر السنين الطال

حاضننو فى الأعماق

بغرو منو الناس

بقى للعزول حراق

حبك خلاص مليتو

قلبي الحنين خليتو

مجبور أسامحك أنا

وأمسح دموع عيني

أنا ما بلومك إنت

مهما الدموع تتحدر

تغلبني غصباً عني

البينا أكبر وأكبر

من قلبي ليك بتمنى

تسعد دوام تتهنى

باكر تبارك لي

والحنة في إيديا

يالكنت فاكرك لي

هذه الصخرة - للشاعر مصطفي عبد الرحمن

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on September 18, 2021. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Oh my love thirst of my soul for the meeting

Craving of my heart to the past and it called me the longings

I am thirsting facing from my longings what I am facing

Drink me the light to the what is going to be left from my time

You knew what is in my heart from sadness and yearnings

To you who has prohibited me her seeings

Give me my cup that unthirsting the thirsty of my soul

It's been so long I miss you and oh from missing you

This stone we have visited mornings and evenings

We have story the love stories on it happily

What did separate us to now being strangers

I hope the hoping and the hoping will not listen

I am now on you the shore beside that stone

Complaing to you the separation

To be continued........

يا حبيبي ظمأت روحي وحنت للتلاقي

وهفا قلبي إلى الماضي وناداني اشتياقي

وأنا ظمآن ألاقي من حنيني ما ألاقي

فأسقني وأملأ من النور لياليا البواقي

أنت تدري ما بقلبي من عذاب وشجوني

يا ضنيناً حرم اللقيا على غير ضنيني

هاتي لي كأسي تروي ظمأ الروح الحزين

طال شوقي وحنيني آه من طول حنيني

هذه الصخرة جئناها صباحاً ومساءاً

وروينا قصص الحب عليها سعداء

ما الذي فرق شملينا فصرنا غرباء

أتمنى والمنى لا تسمع اليوم رجاءا

أنا وحدي فيك يا شط غريب فأعني

فرقت أيدي الليالي بين أحبابي وبيني

أه من حالي و آمالي ومن جائر حزني

فمتى تلقاك عيني أيها الغائب عني

عد إلى الشاطئ نحيي فوق تلك الربواتِ

ما تولى من عهود وأمانن باسماتِ

نشهد الدنيا على نور السنا والبشرياتِ

ونغني للهوى سر المعاني الخالداتِ

يا حبيبي ظمأت روحي وحنت للتلاقي

وهفا قلبي إلى الماضي وناداني اشتياقي

أنا ظمآن ألاقي من حنيني ما ألاقي

فأسقني وأملأ من النور لياليا البواقي

I am in Feeling Nostalgia

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on September 6, 2021. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I am in feeling nostalgia

To the craving of the days

To was of my youth

Nostalgia from Sudan

Has shaped my now criteria

Remembering my childhood days

In myself, it spreaded, it was utopia

Now with the foreignness and rains at nights

Feelings inside of me are saying

Do not cry ya

But I am feeling nostalgia

المن الله واصــــــــــــــــــــــــــل Whatever Allah wants will be

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on July 14, 2021. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

You cry and I cry and what is going to happen from Allah it will happen

What it is what in our hands than to cry, and we story-ed what is happening

I feel tortured when you ask why you are not always in connection

You do not know because of your family they are between us isolators

They are trying to separate us, they want me to live stranger and be ignored

But for me, it is better to leave this sphere than to leave your eyes

I hope they have seen my soul without you a dying flower

And when it sees you this flower blooms again as if was rained by rain

Finding the smile in you to the longing-crushing

Like a stream of hope running rained by the Love corps

You are asking with straying smile how I am doing

Fearing giving you sorrow, so with you I hide my pain inside by smiling

All the life I have lived in your love including with it a sadness

Patient my love all of us in this sphere are going away

As you are asking about me, I am asking about you also

With your picture inside of me always it is on me

I see you every morning and the singing of birds and also the written words that I have about you no one can do the same

if I were able to leave you I would not have been skinny

and I would nod to follow the steps of love, the step of love is deadly

and I would call my tears at knight to the sky stars knowing the knight stars will not stay

they want to separate my heart's feelings about you

but how can they separate the breath from the flowers

with more that I have struggled in your love

I would not give up, you are a holy book no ignorant can be able to read

أبكـى إنتـى وأنــا اللإتبـكـى.. الـمـن الله واصــل

إيه فى إيدنا غير ما نبكى.. نحكـى البينـا حاصـل

تعذبـنـى وتهـيَّـج نــارى.. قـولـة مــاك مـواصـل

إنتى ما عارفة السبـب مـن أهلـك الباقيـن عـوازل

كاسو فراقنا وبس دايرنى.. أحيا غريـب وهامـل

وأنا أرحم لىْ فـراق الدنيـا.. مـن عينيهـو ساهـل

أريتن عرفو روحى بلاكـى روضـاً زهـرو زابـل

مــن تلـقـاك تفـرهـد تـانـى.. زى الصـابـا وابــل

تلاقـى الفرحـة فـى عينيكـى.. للأشـواق تـغـازل

فوق جدول أمل يتجـارى.. يـروى الريـد مشاتـل

تسـألـى بالبسيـمـة التـايـهـا.. كـيــف بالله عـامــل

أخاف حزنك وأخبى البى معاكى أضحك وأجامل

عمرى العشتو كلو وراكـى.. بـى أحزانـو حافـل

لـكـن الصـبـر يــا روحــى.. كــل الفيـهـا زايــل

زى ما إنتـى تسألـى عنِّـى.. عنِّـك برضـو سائـل

وصورتك عايشة فى وجدانـى طالـع وبيهـا نـازل

ألقاك فـى الصبَّـاح وإشراقـو.. فـى نغـم البلابـل

فـى كلمـات كتبتهـا ليكـى.. تــب مــا قــالا قـايـل

لو بقدر أسيبك وأمشـى مـا أصبـح جسمـى ناحـل

ولا بـاريـتَّ درب الـريـد.. ودرب الـريـدة قـاتـل

ولا شقَّتْ مراكب آمالـى.. بقيـدا أنـا لسـة واحـل

ولا أمسيتَّ أنادى دموعى.. والليل نجمـو راحـل

هـم دايريـن يفرقـو قليبـى.. شافـو عليكـى مـايـل

منـو الفيهـم يفـرق النسمـة.. مـن زهـر الخمـايـل

مهمـا أشقـى أضـوق المُـرَّة.. ولـلأهـوال أقـابـل

أبداً يا كتاب حبى المقدس عندى مابيقراكـا جاهـل

Author notes



Saying Goodbye To Your Love with I Can

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on November 10, 2020. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I am saying goodbye to your love with I can

Because I am thinking about my life where I stand

Dreams sometimes hard to achieve

Not all we wish for is in our hand

fate moves us in separate roads

is not in our ability to choose more than we can

I wish life treats you good

My tears in sadness singing in band

Sadness drip from my heart

dripping the cries moan sand

In pain to saying to you goodbye

Waving in tears my shaking hand

I will always be remembering you

Being your X, I was also your loyal fan

My heart has so much pain

From farewell to you with I can

But I will do it, and I have to do it

I know I can

Because of your manipulation’s ego you have

Done to me, Build up between us a wall stand

Which you want me to keep running after you

By it, you are wishing to control me, But I am a man

So goodbye to you

and to your love with I can

Places Charisma

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on September 28, 2020. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I got an image

Dreams, to might be, to possible

Where is there?

Where is nothing?

There Is There? And

Nothing is just nothing

There is a something! But

Nothing is not a something!

And there equals there

And nothing equals nothing.

Any place has its own charisma

Circle the world

To absorb this charisma

It will change you to the better

The deeds of a humans in a place

is the reflection to this a charisma

It is evaporating in a place’s air

It will, will being feels

It is an inner feeling

But it is the there

And there is there

And nothing is nothing

Janubia Tawila

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on September 8, 2020. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I love you, I love you

there is no end

And I sing my nostalgia

then to you I send

Cause you are my girl

who has to my dreams fulfilled

Many from your being away

I have struggled the nights

Sowing the yearning, crop it might

I fight my tears and I suffer ordeal

Enough to my heartache, stop for real

To culminate our lives, the happiness end

To you, with love, respectfully I bend

I am on my knees, with a diamond ring

Having no thoughts, about you, I think

Wishing with you, to spend my life

To fulfil my love hunger, that I strive

saying no goodbyes, you are far away

but see you later, that is humbly I say

we will be together, my darling soon

in the Sudan, the new year moon

until then, impatiently, I am waiting

To here in the USA, we will be staying

Living happily ever after folding the years

growing old together with love and prayers

I am asking Allah to fulfill this dream

So as to get my life back by it, and to claim

The Beneath

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on August 13, 2020. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Many people having the appearance of kindness

and beneath of it, is a base of badness

Hiding the beneath

They always have it in hide

Leading, feeding the assumption system

I am making a difference

I have the appearance of goodness and

Beneath of it, is the base of goodness

I am the example of human are good

I have nothing I hide

I set the example

Be the example

Make the beneath to be the kindness

Set the beneath to be the goodness

Erase from the world the assumption

End the Assumption system

My advice to the all

Be honest with yourself

And importantly

Be honest about yourself

Then I promise

You will find happiness

To The System

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 15, 2019. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

You do not want to give me a chance here

You do not want me to go abroad to find a job there

I am tired of everyday I have to prove myself

That I am a good person

I am not ungrateful that you have gave me education

Tell me how you want me to repay it back, so we call it even

Then after that maybe you will leave me alone

I am tired of the under the table machinations

If you have something with me, come

and confront me about it face to face

I have not been appraisal the way I deserve to be

one day I will of being, but after I am gone

by then it would of being too late

you will regret it by not giving me a chance

that is to you the system

Between The Reality, Or Not

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 10, 2019. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Between the reality, or not, there is a string

String that grabs my attention of her eyes

Finding her, where you been!

If now I say, to all of her, she is a queen

Is it enough, not, I blame my seen

Are we living in just a dream?

Binary letter that all she has left me

Love to know, in this letter, what she means

Before we know it, we have turned into machines

Metallic feelings, look, how we become, and how we been!

Living life in, with have no taste, or even meanings, beyond Eighteen

When we were children, life has so many meanings that we did gain

But now, all life left us, with just a dream

Fearing also, this the dream,

will turn into, a metallic just a dream

تيه واتاكا

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on March 29, 2019. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

This is the picture of the poet of this poem, his name is Mohamed Wad Al-Rady محمد ود الرضي , the alphabet and the language of this poem is the old, original, and perfect Arabic language.

I will try to do translation of it, but be know, that it is so complicated to understand the image on it , but I will try to do my best.

رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّن لِّسَانِي يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي

My Lord, expand for me my chest with assurance And ease for me my task And untie the knot from my tongue That they may understand my speech

تيه وإتاكا

كلمات الشاعر محمد ودالرضي ..

تيه واتاكا مراض وصحاح مقله الفتاكا ظبى الرام

خريف وشتاك ميس يابان المصرى اتاك النسام

البى افتاكا جاب لى روايحك لى هتاكا عود يا منام

ما بيغباك شغفى عليك ومتى متى اصباك تذيدنى هيام

وترينى صباك وتزيدنى عتاب وحنان نتباكا على الايام

لعلى اراك ضحا تتجلى بطيب واراك ولو فى منام

ويكون سمراك جوارى تيلاد وبعض امراك وبعده تنام

كفى كفاك بعاد حلماتك من كتفاك در ومدام

والراح فى فاك شعرك عاتم وبدر صفاك وحسنا دام

غريزة حياك عيونا تخشى جمال محياك تاخد السام

ويفوح رياك ينعشنى يجيب خمرا جالياك النسام

زور مرضاك وخدك ناعم يذودبو فضاك جيدا جام

على بعضاك وبعضا يميس يعانق اعضاك فوق اردام

التجى طالباك اولى بيها انا وبغضاك الالام

تيه واقضى قضاك الاقى رضاك ورضاى فى رضاك وهذا تمام

الشادي شداكـ موجو ترتل تل نهداكـ و قود اللجام

وتلا يداكـ وري الفن فرج ننداكـ و عوم يا حمام

ما اسماكـ سماء المجد علوت سماكـ عبير الشام

وفاح نسماكـ من تنا جيدكـ و حامي حماكـ حمي الاسلام


In DeVry

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on March 7, 2019. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

What an evil in DeVry some people are

With their dark heart they are in management

An evil wolves coward they hide behind masks

Hypocrites but they do not know it, it is in themselves

Idiots they make DeVry loses beautiful minds

I have tried to make a difference

I have tried to make a correction

And I have tried to show DeVry the correct path

I am leaving DeVry forever and I am not coming back

DeVry loses me, not me lose DeVry

I do not regret it cause finally DeVry will leave me alone

DeVry wasted my time, my life, and my money anyway

From the year 2000 till 2019

I am not going to sue them

But they have forgotten there is Allah

And Allah is the justice

why my love neglect

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on February 14, 2019. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

you my love neglect to my reunion

and my amiability, refuse, why

Firing my heart and I did not find

a glance of your look to satisfy

Why my love if you fulfilled your promise

by the shadow of your thoughts and disappear

from your fondness you are not free

to of my suffering from your love I have accept

I have registered my self to you and I have signed

you own me, order whatever your litigate

You are my diamond that I have sorted

on you, many times I have struggled and suffered

to you Leila, Qais I become

you above the stars righting high

then the moon disappeared and

you have shimmered instead

to more become great my distress and Scourge

your love will increase even within your neglect

in neglecting me you have exterminate

what a glance of look if you care

on you many hopes I have build

neglecting me why, what I have done

from your fire of love behind you I sake refugee

from you, a nostalgia I have asked for

if in thought for one time you have come

that could of cured me and

immediately I would of have been rescued

"Nostalgia is feelings that can be transformed into words"

يا حبيبي جفيت بي وصالك

ودادي نفيت مالك

حارق فؤادي و ما لقيت

بي نظره منك و إكتفيت

عاد يا حبيب لو كان وفيت

و بي طيف خيالك و إختفيت

يا المن دلادك ما فضيت

تعذيبي في حبك رضيت

سجلت نفسي و ليك مضيت

مملوك أحكم ماقضيت

يا درتي الليك إنتقيت

فيك كم تعبت و كم شقيت

يا ليلى ليك أنا قيس بقيت

فوق الكواكب حق عليت

و غاب البدر و إنت إنجليت

و مهما عظم خطبي و بليت

في حبك إزداد ما سليت

يا البي صدودك لي فنيت

و ايه النظر لو إعتنيت

أنا فيك كم آمال بنيت

هاجرني ما ذنبي الجنيت

من نار هواك بيك التجيت

منك التعطف إرتجيت

لو في الخيال مره جيت

كان ضاع أزاي و في الحال نجيت


Author notes

Nostalgia is feelings that can be transformed into words

The machination should be reveled now

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on February 1, 2019. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

isn't it, the time to understand that I am not gay

Come on, think about it, it is so clear

and it is in my poems

that I only love women

and I am only interested in women

The machination should be reveled now

I was a victim of the invisible Jinn gays group machination

How I be not interested in women and I write about them

Think about it

if this from my schizophrenia illness that I have

please do not mind me

but I am telling the truth

i got a feeling that all my problems will go away

when i marry a woman and after the wedding night

i got a feeling that my schizophrenia will be cured

when i marry a woman and after the wedding night

Sometimes I regret in my first coming to America

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on January 14, 2019. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

My years have been wasted

My time has been wasted

Now I am 48 years old

I was 24 when I came to America

From 1995 up to now

What did I achieve


I feel depressed

I got no wife, I got no children

The only thing I have achieved

I made a difference

Do I regret coming to America

In the first place, yes sometimes

My only consolation is

Insha Allah, my rewards will be

from Allah in the life after

I did make a difference in this life

Author notes

the top picture is me when I came to America in 1995 'I was 24 years old'

To Whom it May Concern

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on January 11, 2019. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

You will never understand me

Assumption is always wrong

You do believe in assumption

I do not

I got a brain

You do not

I do not envy

You do

You are looking for a pride

To make you feel good about yourself

What a sick you are

Author notes

I have changed the title of this poem from Fake Pride to To Whom It May Concern

I am Happy About Me

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 27, 2018. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

you laugh at me

But you know what

I am happy about me

I am satisfied about me

I sleep at night in happy

I sleep at night in peace

I do not care if you laugh at me

Since I am in peace with me

I do not care what people think of me

Since I love me

I Made a Difference

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 24, 2018. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

With my love to the U.S.A. I made a difference

Being an Arab, and a Muslim was looked at as a bad

Changing the stereotypes of American's mind was difficult

I have known that Americans are kind when they see

The real we, and when they find out the truth of we

What are the real we as Arabs and Muslims?

we are a good people

And as I said the main thing I love about the U.S.A

That it corrects what it finds wrong without a delay

Conveying the Arab culture to the American culture,

by flowing in a sense within it,

the cultural feelings and charisma,

that is what I have called translating culture

leading, I made a difference

I have struggled to prove that we are good people

It was very hard, but I did make a difference

This is the truth I made a difference

I do not take orders from no one

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on November 10, 2018. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I do not take orders from no one

I do not do harm to no one

Following orders to do damage to anyone is evil

Even if the intention is for the good to him or her

Still, it is evil, because Who are you to decide that

for the better of him or her

Meaning, you think you are superior than him or her

Who you think you are

I hate the evil invisible hand

I will not be changed


I got a meaning

I will not lose my meaning sense

Very solid, I be Mutaz

----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------

You are villainous

Which means you are coward

With hypocrite identity

All that is the invisible hand

And the invisible jinn gays

What a very low life you are

psycho and sick also you are

Author notes

Both Jinn groups are psycho MF

After it is hard seeing you

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on February 20, 2018. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating cultures by Mutaz A. Elhag

I am a feelings translator, I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems feelings “convey the poet feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism.

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Abdel Aal Al Sayeed in the name of من بعد ما عز المزار After it is hard seeing you. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

After it is hard seeing you

And the night forgets and bored it is stars in waiting

And the longing drinks the sadness of the songs

And the middle of the day gets hurt

And I started looking in faces

And asking about you in the crowds

Before I stray, maybe I might find a similar like you

In which the night is wide, and the longing is calling for you

To where are you taking the Nile with you

A bird it is wings are stars and I am after you

I am asking about you the towns

And I squeeze the ancestors of night sadness

I am asking about you the shores of the ships

It might your thoughts at the end of the night, come by

filling the gaps of sadness the entire age

In which there are between us the hopes and the sacrifices

Between us the nostalgia and the suffering in life

Between us the longing and the sincerity of a hurt heart

And a lot of speaks that we have said it at the end of the night

That we will meet even though the time might have longed

But our that speech, I am afraid

The wind might has taken it away

من بعد ما عز المزار

الشاعر عبد العال السيد

من بعد ما عز المزار

والليل سِها.. وملّت نجومو الإنتظار

والشوق شِرِب حزن المواويل

وإنجرح خاطر النهار


وبقيت أعاين فى الوجوه

وأسأل عليك وسط الزحام.. قُبـّال أتوه

يمكن ألاقى البشبهك

ما الليل براح

والشوق.. تعالى بيندهك


شايلاهو وين النيل معاك

عصفورة جنحاتا النجوم.. وأنا بى وراك

بسأل عليكى مدن.. مدن

وأعصر سلافة الليل.. حزن

بسأل عليك فى المنفى.. فى مرفا السفن

يمكن طيوفك أُخريات الليل تمر

تملا البراحات..

لى الحزين طول العمر


ما نحنا بينا الأمنيات والتضحية

بينا المعزات.. والعذابات فى الحياة

بينا الهوى..

إخلاص على قلب إنكوى

وكلام قديم

قلناهو آخر الليل.. سوا

إنو راح نتلاقى لو طال النوى

لكن كلامنا الكان.. وكان

خايف يكون شالو الهوا

The Towns Of Your Eyes

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on January 7, 2018. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Cultures by Mutaz A. Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other culture poems feelings “convey the poet feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism.

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet AbdelGadir Al Ketyabe in the name of مدن عينيك the towns of your eyes. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English

The towns of your eyes

I got a sight of you …. I said a safe shore ….. I start dreaming

Gathering what is left of my strength

Tighten my hand on the fin

It waves to me the towns of your eyes

And it rises the mast of your smile at me

And I start dreaming

In more the wind chases the waves

I step on my stubbornness and I attest by you

I will change the rebellion of the stream

And I say only you or I sink

I am afraid My wishing carrying clouds

Drove by the wind and dissipated

And I tighten my hand on the fin

And I come to you with what is left of my strength

A debris of a human with signs of misery sphere

And with a divided heart into sadness

I come to you an artist

Tightening my strings and I tell you a story

Story of a human who donate himself into your path

And drew your picture into his sensation

And tightened his hand in the fin

And said either you or I sink

And I am afraid that the riverbank takes you back

Before I reach you

I am afraid My wishing carrying clouds

Drove by the wind and dissipated

And I found you a mirage hopes

That my talents outflow on it


قلت بر امن بديت احلم

الملم قدرتي الباقية

واشد ساعد على المقداف

تلوح لي مدن عينيك

وترفع لى منارة بسمتك سارية

بديت احلم

كل ما الريح تطارد الموج

أزيد إصرار واحلف بيك

أغير سكة التيار

أقول يا انتى يا اغرق

تلوح لى مدن عينيك

تلوح لى

أخاف الضفة ترجع بيك قبل الحق

أخاف غيم المنى الشايل تسوقو الريح ويتفرق


واشد ساعد على المجداف

واجيك بقدرتي الباقية

حطام إنسان موسم بشقى الدنيا

مقسم قلبو في الاحزان اجيك فنان

اشد اوتارى واحكي ليك

حكاية إنسان وهب لسكتك نفسو

رسم صورتك على حسو

ربط ساعد على المجداف

وقال يا انت يا اغرق

أخاف..أخاف.. أخاف

أخاف غيم المنى الشايل

تسوقوا الريح ويتفرق

والاقيك يا أماني سراب

مواهبى عليه تدفق

أخاف..أخاف.. أخاف

The Distance

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 17, 2017. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating cultures by Mutaz A. Elhag

I am a feelings translator, I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems feelings “convey the poet feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism.

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Salah Haj Saeed in the name of المســــــــــــــــافة the distance. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English

The Distance

There is still a distance between you and the eyes

And the eagerness, and the fear, and the silent-ness

The reindeer of the sadness that I am afraid of

Passes by with the happiness and gone

And I walk with a heartbreak and I die

The hopes that in travel

Before the time it is looking for the shores

When it brings me to you I in believe

That sometimes the luck remembers me

And it covers me with you the blues

And tortured me your heart

And still from you it comes again

where my step will go than to you

In which the time afflicted you with the love and afflicted me

And there is still a distance between us

In your eyes to you the towns

Of the happiness and the love and the audacity

I have for you a million happy news Gospel

A thousand thoughts and the word is a sign

You are when the love lightened in my eyes

And in your eyes

Became strays in a sign

The happiness from you comes to me

Attires me the fear for you

A step from you and step to you

I am waiting from you just a gesture

A word that will give me gospel

But there is the distance between us


صلاح حاج سعيد

والله بيناتنا المسافة والعيون

واللهفة والخوف والسكون

رنة الحزن البخافا

تعدى بالفرحة وتفوت

وامشى بالحسرة واموت

الامانى الفى سفر

قبل الزمن كايسة الموانى

يوم تجيبنى عليك بصدق

انو مرة الحظ طرانى

واحتوانى معاك شجن

وعذبنى قلبك

ولسه منك جاى تانى

تمشى وين الخطوة عنك

ماالزمن بالحب بلاك وابتلانى

والله بيناتنا المسافة

فى عيونك يامدائن

يامدائن الفرحة والحب والجسارة

عندى ليك مليون بشارة

الف طيف والكلمة شارة

انت لما الحب يهون فى عيونى

وفى عيونك

يبقى حائر بالامارة

الفرح منك يجينى

ويعترينى الخوف عليك

خطوه منك خطوه ليك

راجى منك بس اشارة

كلمه تدينى البشاره

و الا بيناتنا المسافة

The Violin Moans, The Violin Cries

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on July 18, 2017. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

the violin moans

the violin cries

when i remember her

in my thoughts deep inside

to the sphere of her beauty

shyly that she intends to hide

made me has longings for her

now i have remembered

what she has told me in that fight

what i do with you my memories

the violin to my senses has ignite

i will never give up hopes

Insha Allah i will see her

when i return to Allah he is the right

My heart is this violin

The sphere is night , foreignness,

and rains at night

The Evening Has Gone

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on July 31, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems’ feelings, “convey the poets’ feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Hassan Awad Abu Al Ela in the name of ولى المساء the evening has gone. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

Gone the Evening

Gone the evening the sadness infatuation in the depth of the fogs

And I am arranging myself and preparing the best elegant clothes

Hoping to see your lovely meetings blocking me the pride youth

My yesterday has gone between the sigh and the moan

And my pillow I have wet by the tears and the heated tears

With the heralds of the morning and the sigh of the honest sunrise

I have sang like a bird happy in garden of the lovers

Gone the breeze freshen and I passionate without boring

Hopes are taking me to the sphere of the happiness and the thoughts

And in there I lay on its sand and I do not see but sand

Tomorrow I will melt my breeze in the heated breaths of the love

Reaching to you Oh an agony thirstiness kindle in hardening

And I sleep to love in the brightness of a shadow calling in sleeps

Forever I live in your love, without your love I am debris

Tomorrow we will be as we like and we will meet in the sunset

Tomorrow my tears will dry and the agony of me will unclog

Tomorrow my happiness will come back

Tomorrow my lover definitely will come back

ولى المساء الواله المحزون في جـوف الضباب

و أنا اهيئ زيـنتـي و اعد مفتخـر الثياب

آمـلا لقياك الحبـيـب و يصـدنـي زهو الشباب

أمسـي مـضـى بين التحسر والأنـين

و وسـادتي بـلـلتـها بالدمـع و الدمـع السخـيـن

مـع تباشير الصبـاح و بسمة الفجر الأميـن

غنـيـت مـثـل الطـيـر

فـرحا فـي ريـاض العـاشـقيـن

تـسرى النسائم عذبة و أنا اهيم بلا ملال

و تقودني الآمال في دنيا المباهج و الخيال

وهناك أرقد في الرمال ولا أرى غير الرمال

غدا أذوب مهجتـي في حر أنفاس الغرام

ارنو اليك وا لوعتي ظمأ تأجج في ضرام

و أبيت أعشق في الدجى طيفا ينادى في منام

أنا لن أعيش (..) بحبه أنا غـيـر أحبابي حطام

غدا نـكون كـما نـود و نـلتـقي عـند الغروب

غـدا تجـف مـدامـعـي و تزول عن نفسي الكـروب

غدا تعود مـبـاهجـي

غـدا حـبـيـبـي حـتـما يعـود

Author notes

I do a lot of revision to the poems that I write and I do a lot of correction over and over again

The Years

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on July 30, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems’ feelings, “convey the poets’ feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet AlTaeeb Abdullah in the name of السنين the years. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English

The poet AlTaeeb Abdulla wrote this poem to his lady wife that has divorced him:

They have told me to forget you

And wipe from my thoughts your memories

And forget all the past

And to stay away from your life territories

You have left me alone; you have left me to the years

Why I think to link to you again, why I yearn for you endless

The years that I have spend it with you

Is stronger than the sayings of the insulation s, And above the word of slanders

If it is all that your heart forgets all the days with me

I am accepting it. In love there are no victim-less

But be sure my love that your love is in my conscious

By hopes I patient my heart and I have lived in the life of dreams

I lull the longings between my ribs and I translate the songs from sadness

Telling people about my pain, and telling them about my loneliness

The stranger from his homes for how long is gone

One day he will come back to his family and friends

Then he will forget all of his nostalgia and longings

And he will forget all of his deprivation, and sadness

But still my heart in your love, has been stranger for endless


الكاتب : الطيب عبد الله

قالو لي انساهو وامسح من خيالك ذكرياتو

انسى كل الماضي وابعد عن طريقو وعن حياتو

فات وخلاك للزمن بعد امالك سدن

ليه تحن من تاني ليه ليه تفكر في صلاتو

السنين العشت فيها معاك هنايا

اقوى من قول العوازل واسمى من كلمة وشاية

لو خلاص قلبك نسى الايام معايا

برضي راضي في الغرام كم من ضحايا

بس تأكد يا حبيبي انو حبك في دمايا

بالامل صبرت قلبي وعشت في دنيا الاماني

اهدهد الشوق بين ضلوعي واترجم الالام اغاني

باروي للناس سر عذابي واحكي ليهم ماشجاني

لا نفع دمعي السكبتو ولا شفع عندك حناني

الغريب عن وطنو مهما طال غيابو

مصيرو يرجع تاني لاهلو وصحابو

ينسى الامو وشجونو ينسى حرمانو وعذابو

الا قلبي يا حبيبي في هواك طال اغترابو...

If I Was A Denial To The Love Like You

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on July 20, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems’ feelings, “convey the poets’ feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Awad Ahmad Khalifa in the name of “لو كنته ناكر للهوى زيك if I was a denial to the love like you“. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English.

If I was a denial to the love like you

If I was a denial to the love like you

I would of have forgave you

All the suffering that I have lived in your love

But I live for only love, and every day I beg you

Tell me how can I forgive, and all my sufferings

Have been caused by you

I have tried to deceive myself to you oppressor

And to Break away from my love to you

I have tried to stop myself from you

And go and never come back again to you

I have left away from you

And from my homes

Demolishing all the hopes on you

And I still could not let you go

When I forget you, I long for you

I long for you in every yearning beat

And in every fenced longing tear

It calls for you, my sad soul

And I bale when it calls for you

And I suffer when it calls for you

Tell me how can I forgive

And you have destroyed all my hopes on you

I did not know, that one day, I will find love

But I will not discover its ways

And my heart, from it poise

That longing can be able to melt it

But your love little by little

Catches my heart and burns it

And you have stolen my heart my love

Tell me how I can get it back from you

And to you, you are the denial of my love

You would not listen to my heart

Without any reasons to its quarrel satisfies you

And the yearning of lovers catches my heart

Forget me oppressor

And my heart with you, thought of you, as its lover

لو كنته ناكر للهوى زيك

كلمات الشاعر السودانى عوض احمد خليفه

لو كنتا ناكر للهوى ذ يك كنتا غفرتا ليك

كل العذاب العشته فى حبك وكل حقى عليك

لكنى عايش للهوى وكل يوم أترجي فيك

ورينى كيف أغفر وإنت شقاى سببته بيديك

حاولت أخدع نفسي يا ظالم وأهجر حبى ليك

حاولت أمنع نفسى منك وتانى ما أمشى وأجيك

ورحلت عنك وعن ديارى وهدمت كل أمل لديك

وبرضى ماقادر أسيبك لما أنساك بشتهيك

مع كل دفقاتى الحنينة وكل دمعة شوق سجينة

تهاتى بيك روحى الحزينة وأشقى لما تهاتى بيك

ورينى كيف أغفر وإنت هدمت كل آمالى فيك

ما كنت قايل أنا يوم بلاقى الحب ولا بكشف دروبو

ولا قلبى من شدة إباهو بتقدر الأشواق تذيبو

لكن غرامك حبه حبه صالاهو بنارو ولهيبو

وسرقت قلبى يا حبيبى تانى كيف منك أجيبو

إنت يا ناكر غرامو قلبى ما بتسمع كلامو

وبدون سبب يرضيك خصامو لوعة العشاق تصيبو

انسانى يا ظالم وقلبى معاك مفتكرك حبيبو

To Her

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on July 16, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Do not change me

I will lose my meaning sense

Do not change you

You will lose your meaning sense

I am unique in what I am

You are unique in what you are

The change

We both lose

The unchanged

we both win

Like a fingerprint

It is unique

I and you and the fingerprint

Are being and exists

I am is in My Poems

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on July 15, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Do not assume who am I, or what am I

when it comes to me , the assumption is always wrong

You want to know who am I

It is so simple, it is so clear

Who am I is in my poems

I write what I feel

I write what I stand for

I write what I believe in

I write about who I am

My poems are about my life real

Every word is a real deal

To the ideas of changing the world

Making truthiness solid as the steel

Honesty, truthiness, and rightness

Are in me and I am keeping it real

My life story is in my poems it is

What happened to me and what I feel

It is important to me and it is a great deal

I have nothing to hide

Me is in my poems

If you want to take it or not. I do not care

But this is the fact truth = Me is in my poems

So simple, now I sign for this, and I seal

This poem is about my way of telling the reader that my real life story is in my poems and in my poems what I believe in and what I stand for and also about who am I

Many Thanks Go to DeVry

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on July 12, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

My many thanks go to DeVry

It grants me the success to try

Pursuing the future and the limit is the sky

Intellectual knowledge and reaching the dreams

It happened to me by DeVry

It gave me the thoughts into traveling in

The galaxy by a beautiful dreams and fly

Then I came back to the earth

Helping others who have sadness and cry

Making beautiful minds for America’s future

And keeping it real, no lie

If I thank you many times

It will not be enough DeVry

You have got the love and respect for ever

From many Alumni students and I

When I was undergrad student you have made it so hard on me

But that is for my own good to identify

My visionary success path, now I have seen it

In my mind it has been clarify

I will always be there for you if you need me

You have got my word and on me you can rely

I so thankful that you have helped me achieving

My educations and your appreciation not I deny

You did not choose the hate path

refusing it, even with in, to being apply

Author notes

This poem is about my appreciation to DeVry University


by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on April 1, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I love you Re

You are so beautiful when I saw you in that dress

I know that you have been crying for so long

And you have been in stress

I want to Compensate you all the grieving and

The sad time you have gone through, put it in rest

I am in love of your beauty

I cannot wait to have our own nest

I feel that you are so kind

Of my life with you I want to spend the rest

I wish that I cannot take you out of my sight

That Your smile I missed

I am in love with you and of your eyes

Insha Allah we will be blessed

Marrying you is in my priority

It is, one of, I have to do list

Give me your love, feelings, and support

Then into your love longings put me in test

You deserve all the good things in life

And you deserve all the best

Finally I want to tell you that I am in love

With you and simply this is my confess

Immigrant Birds

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on March 8, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate “convey the poets’ feelings” other cultures poems’ feelings, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem was written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Salah Ahmad Ibraheem in the name of “ الطير المهاجر Immigrant Birds”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English

Immigrant Birds


Alone because I am being abroad

Hesitant wiping my tears

Sad fighting my pain

And I wish

Just to come back home

Nostalgia over longed me

Longings over flooded me

And I am waiting in repeating

For a long time

To you; the immigrant birds flying

back home, in the time of the autumn

Fly quickly do not waste time

Do not stop and continue

The nights, Till the morning

Under the rain

Under the wind

and if one of your wings feels tired

Increase your speed

In my home you will be in rest

in the shadow of our tree a wonderful accommodation

Pass countries and leave countries

And when you come

To a country that its river shines in the dark

Like a diamond sword

Shining with unsorted stars

Then land down and salute

with respect

And you say hello

And repeat hellos

To our river Nile

to our Palm trees

And before you drink, go to a house

From its door and window

Shining lights flee from.

You will find a girl

Sewing a silk handkerchief

For a broad lover

Stand in front of her

And kiss her hands

And pass to her

My regards, my loyalty

and my sure love

الطير المهاجر

للشاعر السوداني صلاح احمد ابراهيم

غريب ..

وحيد في غربتو


يكفكف دمعتو


يغالب لوعتو


بس لي أوبتو

طال بيه الحنين

فاض بيه الشجن

واقف يردد

من زمن

بالله يالطير المهاجر للوطن

زمن الخريف

تطير باسراع

ماتضيع زمن

أوعك تقيف




تحت المطر

وسط الرياح

وكان تعب منك جناح

في السرعة زيد

في بلادنا ترتاح

ضل الدليب أريح سكن

فوت بلاد وسيب بلاد

وإن جيت بلاد

وتلقى فيها النيل

بيلمع في الظلام

زي سيف مجوهر

بالنجوم من غير نظام

تنزل هناك وتحيي

ياطير باحترام

وتقول سلام

وتعيد سلام


نيل بلادنا

وشباب بلادنا

ونخيل بلادنا

بالله يا طير

قبل ما تشرب

تمر على بيت صغير

من بابه ومن شباكه

بلمع الف نور

وتلقى الحبيبة بتشتغل

منديل حرير

لحبيب بعيد

تقيف لديها

وتبوس إيديها

وانقل إليها

وفاي ليها

وحبي الأكيد


by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on March 2, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I am traveling by my thoughts

In the past time in depth

Does she always remembers me

even once a year

The years have gone so fast

It seems like yesterday, I will never forget

When I was in 11th grade

She was in 9th grade

Her name is Lubna

She was so beautiful, I still remember how I felt

She was my first love

I used to love her

She used to love me

We used to walk by the side of a stream in steps

The last time I saw her 21 years ago

I never saw her again

She used to be my neighbor

Her father sold their house

And move them to another town, he insist

I will never forget her

She was my first love, I regret

That I have lost her for ever

I still remember kissing her for the first time

It was so sweet

I still remember what I have felt

I State

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on February 29, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

If I die the invisible hand and the Jinn gays

Have killed me, I state

I am not afraid to die

To what I believe I have already originate

The true path, to the ones who want to follow

The real freedom that I have taste

I have refused to be controlled

I have refused to join hate

I have called for the real freedom

One day we will have it allocate

In the American culture

Which I feel it is great

I love the U.S.A

This love will not change

I have passion, love, sense,

Wonder, and calculate

I have moral values and I am not betrayer

I love to think and innovate

Freely in the wonderful world

That has already been create

I have solved the code of myself

Human self is so complicate

And in with being so complicate

Human soul is so sophisticate

There is a difference between

The self and the soul I state

For those who have their

smartness triggered and initiate

I am Trapped in a Well

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on February 23, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I feel like I am in a well it seems

I want to get out of this well

I want to get out, I scream

Allah please helps me to

Get out and see it as a past dream

I am trying so hard inside of myself

I will get out, and get my life resume

I have been trapped for so long

It is in the depth of my self I claim

Human self is so complicated

I am eager to get out of this well and seen

The past as past without its rename

From my mistakes I relearn

I am asking myself;

How did I get trapped?

I do not have an answer neither a blame

My family said they will not help no more

In the past they have helped me

But they have lowered my dignity and my self esteem

By myself I have to get my life reclaim

I need help, but I want to keep my dignity

And I want to keep my self esteem

I have been trapped in a well it seems

My mind has been preoccupied by your love

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on February 18, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems’ feelings, “convey the poets’ feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Mustafa Butran in the name of “عقلى انشغل بهواك My Mind Has Been Preoccupied by Your Love”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English :

My mind has been preoccupied by your love and so are

My eyes in wisdom, and wonder, refusing to sleep, darling

See in part, some of my situation, come down, and listen

Complaining to you the love sorrow, in which I did not find any supporting

Even if it is a speaks in thoughts, for one time listen

Let me cast into your fire of love, let me casting

Into more what it is happening to me, do not undress me

The dress of love, and always ask me about it, darling

Obeying of your harshness, I am spreading my hands

I did not chose other lover, in it is the truthiness of my religion, I swearing

Even and it is more my heart suffers from your love

And even it was more the love worries, have gone and come back, on repeating

It will all go away if I see you

Then my luck will dress the dress of Golding

Since the first day when your sharp glance of sweet looking

Darted into my heart when I have seen you for the first timing

Since that day, my sleep has been annihilated and so are my Aging

I morning every morning I moan and it seems, it keeps on going

Like a hurt-ed bird my love yearning

When more you measure my Loving

You would not make the love sorrow go away, in descending

To what I cannot endure to taking

You keep on adding to me more maladies

When will it comes the day that you consider to justifying

Put to my heart your love tests and try me

Then into your love longing burn me, darling

You keep on staying away, giving to my heart the hardening

I ask you by the love please soften

عقلى انشغل بهواك

كلمات الشاعر / مصطفى بطران

عقلي انشغل بهواك والحكمه عيني لاجه ومجافيه النوم

يا اربعينى


هاك بعض حالي البى روقي اسمعيني .... شاكى الغرام ما لقيت لي من معين

لو كان كلام في الطيف مره اسمعيني .... خليني أصلى النار في هواك دعيني


فوق اللجارى على لا تجرديني ..... ثوب الغرام ودوام عنه انشدينى

طايع مريد لقساك باهل يدينى ... ما اخترت غانيه سواك وحق ديني


مهما يلاقى عذاب قلبي السجيني .... ومهما يزيد ويفيض همي ويجينى

لو كان يزور الطيف مره ويجينى ... تلبس حظوظي السود ثوب اللجين


من يوم رماني سنان لحظك سنينى ... محق على نومي ومحق سنينى

أصبحت كل صباح يزداد انينى .... كالبلبل المجروح يا مي حنيني


مهما تكيلي غرامك ما بتكيني .... فوق ما أطيق في الهجر تكلفيني

دائما تزيد علىّ دائي الدفينى ....لمتين تراعى لحالي وتنصفيني


امتحنى قلبي في حبك جربيني ... وبعدين بناراشواقــــك الهبينى

زيدي في جواك وصدودك اتعبينى .... وحالف عليك بالحب ياجاهله لينى

From the Beauty

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on February 1, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate “convey the poets’ feelings” other cultures poems’ feelings, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem was written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Addris Gamaa in the name of على الجمال تغار منا From the Beauty, he wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English;

This poem has a story; the poet Addriss Gamaa saw a beautiful girl with her husband, and he stared at her for a long time, then her husband asked the poet; why are you staring at my wife? Then the poet poem this poem;

from the beauty you are jealous of me

what is it into you if I looked

it is a looking makes me forget the wisdom

and makes the sad soul happy

she is my life and my happiness

and the dream of heart if it wishes

she is the sky appeared to me then it is

insusceptible by staying away from me

would she mercy a lover

winded by longings there

flashing by a memories so it made me

flying in the atmosphere singing in songs

from her beauty I have shivered

and I sang by it when I sing

she is a Torch

that my thoughts circled around

I have sensed on her a sanctity

and I have touched on her an art and glory

and I have looked into her eyes I have found

a horizons, secrets, and meanings

I want her to gather her thoughts into the past time

and I want her to ask her age how she and me were

what a meeting the aging allowed her and me

what a naive she and me were

her and my childhood have gone

I wish it would come back again

أعلى الجمال تغار منا

كلمات ادريس جماع

أعلى الجمال تغار منا

ماذا عليك إذا نـظرنا

هى نظرةً تنسى الوقارَ

وتسعدُ الروحَ المعنىّ

دنـياى أنت وفـرحتى

ومنى الفؤادِ إذا تَمَنىّ

أنتَ السماءُ بدتْ لـنا

واستعصمتْ بالبعدِ عنا

هلاَّ رحـمتَ مـتيمـا

عصفت به الأشواق وهنا

وهفت به الذكرى فطاف

مع الدجى مغنى فمغنى

هـزته مـنك مـحاسن

غنى بها لـمّـَا تـغنَّى

يا شعلةً طافتْ

خواطرنا حَوَالَيْها وطــفنــا

أنـسـت فيكَ قداسةً

ولــمستُ إشراقاً وفناً

ونظـُرتُ فـى عينيكِ

آفاقاً وأسـراراً ومعـنى

جمع عهـودكً فى الصـبا

واسال عهـودكً كيف كـُنا

كـمْ باللقا سمـحتْ لنا

كـمْ بالطهارةِ ظللـتنا

ذهـبَ الصـبا بعُهودِهِ

ليتَ الطِـفُوْلةَ عـاودتنا

Their sleepiness eyes

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on January 24, 2016. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate “convey the poets’ feelings” other cultures poems’ feelings, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem was written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Musaad Hanafee in the name of “الناسات عيونن Their Sleepiness Eyes”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

Their sleepiness eyes

Their sleepiness eyes to their faces lightings, has appeared

Between the pure gold and the browning, their skin color, has shined

In the house of Abdul-Aziz their beauty has come down

By their lighting cheeks that have get, it’s lighting from the cosmos

Their beauty is a paradise-ing girl’s beauty

To their “like the moons” their faces in my heart have stored

To winning their hearts the stars wanted to come down

From their love fire my heart has been in hardship

From their eyelid that I have been fascinated

Where ever their perfume have settled

I will find that my heart on that same place, has settled

From their shinning beauty my mind has became unstable

In their pure beauty that has its abstinence and it’s safeguarded

And In the soft way their arms in walking

In the softness of their breast, the beauty-ness has been safeguarded

From their eye’s prettiness my sleeps have gone

By their love sorrow they have kept my mind occupied

الناعسات عيونن

كلمات الشاعر السودانى مسعد حنفى

الناعسات عيونن نور جبينن هلّ

مابين تبر صافي واخضراني اللون


دار العزّه يا عبدالعزيز إتجلّ

بي نور الخدود المنّه

زينة الكون

الغانيات جمالن من الحور اجلّ

ولي اقمار وجوهن في فؤادي سكون

لي ليمن تكاد درر النجوم تدلّ

البي نار غرامن قلبي صار ممكون

مسحور من طريفن وسحرهن لي دلّ

وين ماهبّ طيبن تلقى قلبي يكون

من انوار جمالن ياخي عقلي اختلّ

توجد في صفاهن العفاف والصون

بين فدعة يديهن واللدن والتله

بين رمان صدورن الجمال محصون

البدور تسعالن والملوك تتعلاّ

لو تلقاله نظره من الصفا المكنون

بين مفصود خديدن وساده زايده العلّه

صاروا لي زي ليلى وصرت انا المجنون

ياقاسم معاك نجم السعود ما ذلّ

دمت قدرك عالي ودام عدوك مغبون

لي عزولك ديمه الإنكسار والذلّه

والنحاس مابوازن لي دهب شيبون

من نظرة جمالن راح منامي وولّى

عقلي شاغله غرامن واعترتني شجون

السرور ياقاسم عرشه قوم اتولّى

بين تهاني البانه وميلة العرجون

The language of the eyes

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 22, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems’ feelings, “convey the poets’ feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem was written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Abdel Gader Abu Shura in the name of “لغة العيون The Language of the Eyes”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

The language of the eyes

Me and your pretty eyes a cosmos has surrounded us

The best language is the language of the eyes

It has its own rainbow that rains happiness

Making the feeling goes in drunkenness

And Quench the fire of the love sorrow

It has its own coquetry that whisper cheerfulness

To giving the imaginary of the brain the best sweetness thoughts

And if it’s more the brain continued inventing arts

And started drawing pictures around the eyelid

I will say it again; the best language is the language of the eyes

I am speaking to your eyes to say without shyness

How did the poet Jareer apostrophize the black circle in the eyes

The poplar said; it’s hugging pretty eyes

And it said a joyful saying diluted with love

The eyes have their own cheek that is above the limits

It has the love tenderness that shines hopes

And if it’s more the brain continued inventing arts

And started drawing pictures from many types

I will say it to you my darling

The best language is the language of the eyes

Your eyes have disband away and played a music

Made so many minds dance and dance in circles

Your eyes are giving a beat of violin spreading love tenderness

And a buzz of Rabab inside a flowers garden

Your eyes are giving the smell of jasmine that has wonders

And a journey of perfume in its nights

If it’s more the brain continued inventing arts

And started drawing pictures from many types

I will say it to you my darling

The best language is the language of the eyes

لغة العيون

كلمات الشاعر السودانى عبد القادر ابو شورا

أنا والعيون ضمانا كون

أحلى الكلام لغة العيون

أقواس قزح تمطر فرح

تسكر شعور تطفي الشجون

همسات دلال فيها ابتهاج

تهدي الخيال أروع فنون

مهما الخيال يبدع جمال

يرسم ظلال حول الجفون

أنا ارجع أقول يا أحلى زول

أحلى الكلام لغة العيون

من غير خجل قول الحصل

كيفين جرير ناجى المقل

قال الحور حاضن قمر

وكلام لذيذ ممزوج غزل

فيهن خدود فوق للحدود

فيهن حنان يبرق أمل

ومهما الخيال يبدع جمال

يرسم صور من كل لون

أنا ارجع أقول يا أعز زول

ألطف كلام لغة العيون

سرحن بعيد عزفن نشيد

خلن عقول ترقص تدور

خفقات كمان يرشق حنان

رنة رباب بين الزهور

ونفحات حروف ياسمين تطوف

ورحلة عبير في ليل عطور

ومهما الخيال يبدع جمال

يرسم صور من كل لون

انا ارجع اقول يا أحن زول

الطف كلام لغة العيون

In That Night

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 21, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate “convey the poets’ feelings” other cultures poems’ feelings, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem was written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Babikir AlTaheer in the name of “فى الليله ديك In That Night”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

In that night

In that night

I could not accept, accept and forgiving you

I could not accept blaming you

I took the sorrow and the sad smile

And all the deprivation of the orphans

I came to congratulate you and to shake your hand

I came to say congrats

I granted my hand without saying anything

Then I could not stand in front of you

And I came back fencing my tears

In that night and everybody is sharing your wedding

I felt stranger over there and I felt your are stranger in your world

I felt the meaning of the separation

And I felt the cosmos is dark

And it took its darkness from your “Henna”

I saw in your eyes the tears that is being fencing by your eyelid

Fencing in regrets and stray

I felt the shivering in your hand

Coupled with your glance of look saying goodbyes

In that night

I could not accept, accept and forgiving you

I could not accept blaming you

I took the sorrow and the sad smile

And all the deprivation of the orphans

I came to congratulate you and to shake your hand

I came to say congrats

I came to say goodbye

فى الليلة ديك

كلمات الشاعر السودانى بابكر الطاهر

في الليلة ديك لاهان علي

أرضى وأسامحك

ولا هان أعتب عليك

شلت الجراح والابتسامة

وكل حرمان اليتامى

جيت أهنيكي وأصافحك

جيت أقول مبروك عليك

ومديت يميني بلا

كلام ما قدرت قدامك أقيف

ورجعت حابس

أدمعي في الليلة ديك

في الليلة ديك

والناس تشارك فرحتك

حسيت بإني غريب

هناك وغريبة

إنتي في دنيتيك

حسيت معاني الفرقة

حسيت بالوجود

ماخذ سواد من حنتك

شفت الدموع خلف الرموش

مكبوته بي حسرة وضياع

ورعشة الكف الخضيب

مقرونة بنظرة وداع

جابو القدر في سكتك

في الليلة ديك لاهان علي

أرضى وأسامحك

ولا هان أعتب عليك

شلت الجراح والابتسامة

وكل حرمان اليتامى

جيت أهنيكي وأصافحك

جيت أقول مبروك عليك

I Said to Leave

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 21, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems’ feelings, “convey the poets’ feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Al-Tijani Saeed in the name of “ارحل I Said to leave”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

I Said to Leave

I said to leave

to drive my steps away from the one she has forgotten the intimacy

Straying nights

Staying up all nights

Straying from anchor to anchor

To change your love with another girl

To see if she might be loyal

I have left, and then, I have come back

In staying away from you, I have found

All the earth is exile

Your eyes like a summer cloud that rains in part of the earth and stops in another

And like happiness that takes the love sorrow in its adding ascending

And like words Stray when the promise comes

And like holiday that passed me and attires the whole earth with holidays

And like the happiness of the stranger coming home

And like home when I miss it, I come back to it without savings

Without your eyes I become a person without memories and without identity

I have left, and then, I have come back

In staying away from you, I have found

All the earth is exile

The time of the separations and the time of the longings

I will leave it to the winds to take it away

I will leave it because the memories will stray our age indeed

When you are with me, I will not spend the age in regretting

Because the age are longings, sadness and patience, spread ed widely

Indeed the age was a way that I went through it disable

The age was a plant that I have watered by my tears

And I have caught the wind

I have left, and then, I have come back

In staying away from you, I have found

All the earth is exile

قلت ارحل

كلمات الشاعر السودانى التجانى سعيد

قلت أرحل ..

أسوق خطواتي من زولاً نسى الإلفة

أهوِّم ليل

أساهر ليل

أتوه من مرفى لي مرفى

ابدل ريد بعد ريدك(حبك)

عشان يمكن يكون اوفي

رحلت وجيت

في بعدك لقيت

كل الأرض منفى

عيونك زي سحاب الصيف تجافي بلاد وتسقي بلاد

وزي فرحاً يشيل مني الشقا ويزداد

وزي كلمات بتتأوّه.. تتوه لمن يجي الميعاد

وزي عيدا غشاني وفات عاد عمّ البلد أعياد

وزي فرح البعيد العاد

وزي وطناً وكت اشتاقلو برحل ليهو من غير زاد

بدون عينيك بصبح زول بدون ذ كرى وبدون ميلاد

رحلت وجيت

في بعدك لقيت

كل الأرض منفى

زمان الفُرقة والتجريح بسِيبُو عشان تشيلو الريح

بسيبو عشان صحيح الذ كرى بتّوِّه عمرنا صحيح

وانتِ معايا لا بندم ولا بقضي العمر تبريح

أصلو العمر شوقا كان ، حزنا كان وصبرا كان فسيح وفسيح

أصلو العمر كان دربا مشيتو كسيح

وكان غرسا سقيتو بكى وقبضت الريح

رحلت وجيت

في بعدك لقيت

كل الأرض منفى

If it is in whispering

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 20, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems’ feelings “convey the poets’ feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem was written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Ismail Hassan in the name of “لو بهمسه if it is in Whispering”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

If it is in whispering,

If it is in smile, say I love you, that shines light

If it is in a glance of look,

A glance of look that is transient, say I love you, in your being bright

If it is in your dreaming in your sleeps, say I love you, at night

If you send me your hellos, say I love you that sense my senses with delight

O my love, every word from your lips is sweetness song, that being right

Every looks from your eyes has Nostalgia and polite

Every air from your homes has some whispering coming collide

Every whisper from you my love has sweetness that might

All my life I have gift it to your love, that entered my heart in slide

You are my stars at night, for the way

And the way disappears your path footprint sight

In fire being away from you

Nostalgia and haven being with you

And the flowers bloom in your heart with light

You already knew my soul that I love you

O my love, I am afraid of you but not fright

I am afraid that you forget me and forget all the nights

I am afraid that you leave me and after you I forget myself

Then to become straying from the right

And all the dreams that was there in my way

Become longings at the end, and to you I write

لو بهمسة

كلمات الشاعر السودانى اسماعيل حسن

آه لو بهمسة

لو ببسمة قول احبك

لو بنظرة

نظرة حتى عابرة قول احبك

لو بتحلم في منامك قول احبك

لو ترسل لي سلامك قول احبك

يا حبيبي

آه يا حبيبي

كل كلمة من شفايفك أحلى غنوة

كل نظرة من عيونك فيها سلوى

كل نسمة من ديارك فيها نجوى

وكل همسة يا حبيبي عندي حلوة

يا حبيبي

آه يا حبيبي

يا حبيبي عمري كلو اهديتو لحبك

يا حبيبي انت عارف والغرام يشهدلو ربك

يا بدوري في الظلام والظلام يحجبلي دربك

آه .. ناري بعدك

والحنان والجنة قربك

يا حبيبي والزهور الحلوة تتفتح في قلبك

انت عارف أنا يا روحي بحبك

خوفي منك

خوفي تنساني وتنسى الليالي

يا حبيبي انا خايف ياما بعدك انسى حالي

آه ..

أبقى تايه والغرام يصبح حكاية

والأماني الحلوة دي الكانت بداية

تبقى اشواق في طريقي فى النهاية

آه يا حبيبي

The drunkenness of love

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 19, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate “convey the poets’ feelings” other cultures poems’ feelings, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism

This poem was written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Mohamed Basheer Ateeq in the name of “خمر الهوي The Drunkenness of Love”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

The drunkenness of love

O my love let us sip the drunkenness of love

To remember the sweetness of our love speaking

By the side of the happy river Nile

The weather is stable

Let us walk in paradise for a mile

Cause the people is sleeping

The paradise in sweetness

And the flowers in smile

The moon in its horizon has thriven,

And signed its name on the surface of the river Nile

The birds yell in important-ness and in style

From many wonder senses, sings, start and then repeat again, for a while

By the side of the happy river Nile

O my darling, obey the wind in your stature nice body, that it is fragile

And sip me from your nice lips, a honey

Make me listen from your mouth a precious saying in sweetness rhythmic style

From my poems I am giving you a precious saying as a file

I am in love of your stature segmented body, and your eyes

By the side of the happy river Nile

The separation, and the longings

Your complaisance has surrounded me in textile

You are my girl friend and I am barring my heart from loving some girl else

I am saying on you poems, because you are the heartening of it, as an etoile

By the side of the happy river Nile

خمر الهوى

كلمات الشاعر السودانى محمد بشير اتيق

قوم نرتشف خمر الهوي..ونذكر أحاديث الغرام......

علي شاطئ النيل السعيد

* * *

الطقس معتدل الهوي ..قوم يا حبيبي نمر سوا

في خميله والعالم نيام

الروض حلا وبسم الزهر

والبدر في افقو ازدهر

مضي اسمه في سطح النهر

والقمري يهتف بي اهتمام..من كل فن يبدي ويعيد

* * *

ميل يا حبيب طوع الهوي بقوامك الضمار هوا

واسقني من ثقرك مدام

واسمعني من فاهك درر..من شعري هاك آيات غرر

فيك بهوي قامه وانقسام

مياس قوام وعيون وجيد......

* * *

بعد الجفا وطول النوي

والفرقه والشوق والسقام

حفاني لطفك يا حبيب..اياك سمير وانت الطبيب

يا الفي ظلال نعماك ربيب

انا عشقي لي غيرك حرام..فيك شعري...يا روح القصيد

Be merciful my love to my heart

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 19, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Translating Culture by Mutaz Awad Elhag

I am a feelings translator. I will use my poetry talent to translate other cultures poems’ feelings, “convey the poets’ feelings”, and when I do that I will always state the poet name to avoid plagiarism.

This poem has been written in Arabic by the Sudanese poet Salih Abdel seed Abu Salah in the name of “ارحم يا سمير قلبي be merciful my Love to My Heart”. He wrote this poem in Arabic and I am translating it into English:

Be merciful my love to my heart

Be merciful my love to my heart that has not forgotten you

Allow me a glance of look in reality or in dreams

In your coquetry, in your straying to me accenting hardship

In my heart you have settled in your morning till your evening, it seems

Your beauty has lightened my heart, heaviness your anchoring

To your love that has already attire me, to lighting you in stream

Imposing to Allah in his creating you in your uniqueness

In vain my heart going to suffer without you loving me back, I claim

I know in reality you will not visit me, so can I see you in thoughts

Comparing your beauty to the eye of the female deer which we call it the “reem”

You are the one who is giving up of your youth era, and your youth era did not give up on you

You are the one who is giving your beauty its meaningfulness reflecting to you back your seen

In your breasts ambush your beauty dewing your cheek with shyness

You are in my memory, in my reality, and O my darling you are in my dreams

How can my soul loves some girl else

You are its medication, and O my love you are its queen

Spreading out of my heart the love to you my darling

And I am giving you my love without a blame

ارحم يا سمير قلبى

كلمات الشاعر السوداني صالح عبد السيد ابو صلاح

ارحم يا سمير قلبى المانساكا اسمح لى بنظره لو فى الطيف عساكا


بدلك وتيهك مع تشديد قساكا جوا فؤادى ساكن صبحك ومساكا

حسنك خفا قلبى وتقلك رساكا بغرامك كسانى وبالانوار كساكا


جل البارى ابدع فى خلقك براكا وعبثا قلبى يتعب فى حبك وراكا

صحوا مابتزورنى هل فى الطيف اراكا يالراشا يالمهفهف يا شويدن الاراكا


انتا السالى جيلك وجيك ما سلاكا انتا بتجلى حليك وما بتجليك حلاكا

كيف الامه تهوى وكيف تعشق بلاكا يامراهيم جروحا و يا ملكا و ملاكا


ياظبى الخمائل وظل الغيم معاكا ناعس فى الخمائل قانص ما سعاكا

كيف تصطاد قلوبنا والشئ الدعاكا ارجع من هظاراك وجيب قلبى المعاكا


ولع يا فؤادى الحبك ما فداكا نور يا خديدو الما بطيق نداكا

يا غزال لى هلاكى وقتلى انا مين هداكا الموت بين كواحلك يانوعيس هداكا


مكحول الخمائل بالنظر اشتهاكا يزدرى بالزهور الفى الاكمام زهاكا

يالفى الخصره لينك فى جيدك بهاكا نومى الشيلتو جيبوهاكا قليبى هاكاهوي

I am Dreaming of a Perfect Sudan

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 19, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I am dreaming of a perfect Sudan and I am waiting

To what I am believing in, I am standing

*Moral values, kindness, and mercy that will be leading

And leading to happiness

*It is in many people who are searching

The truth, is in nice Sudan, that we are already living in

That is already been creating

We should live in togetherness without envying

Each other, to be wonderful,

To see the cosmos is wonderful and glorying

Live in the art, in the sense, and in calculating

To sail in the galaxy, in wondering, how it has been innovating

Life is eternity, but on it, you have a choosing

Between the continuous happiness or its opposite, and I leave to you the imagination

Wars will not solve a problem, nor violence, if it is, They will add complication

The key to solving any problem is only education

I am also dreaming of translating cultures

I am a feelings translator and I am a free minded, I always choose evaluation

The Sudan with real freedom is an inspiring

And that is all, I wish for in dreaming, and I will keep on dreaming

Until it becomes a reality, and then I will feel joy-ing

Come the real life with its fullness and with enjoying

I am a man, I love women and I hate gays

Gays are causing all the problems in the world and all the confusing

Gays do machination and I will repeat gays are causing all the confusing

I am an enemy to the gays

I will always be

Author notes

I wrote this poem in June, 26, 2014, I am dreaming of a perfect world so I named it I am Dreaming of a perfect world and it speaks for itself

Why is hate

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 19, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

Why is hate

Love is great

To the earth different cultures

Different taste

Million of cultures

Waiting to be translate

To enjoy human all love

To the sense of innovate

Why I have to prove to you that I am a good person

So as to gain your trust

Either leave me alone

Or if it is up to me

Be less complicate

I love love, I hate hate

Oppression and dictate

Life is too short to waste

There is art, wonder, sense, and calculate

Be free minded to evaluate

To see the real love

That is impure at

To you

The feeling inside of me

Is love/hate

Your parents’ kind of love

Wanting you to change

In hating me

To No control at

لماذا الكره

لماذا الكره

الحب اجمل

للاختلاف فى الثقافات فى الكره الارضيه

هذه الثقافات يمكن ان تترجم للتزوق

لكى يحب سكان الكره الارضيه بعضهم بعض

كمثل الاحساس بالابداع

من تكونى لكي اثبت لكى اننى ممتاز

لكى اكسب ثقتكى

اما ان تتركينى وشاني او

اذا كان هو اختياري. كوني اقل تعقيدا

انا احب الحب و اكره الكره

الظلم والتقيان

الحياة قليله لنضيعها

الفن, التأمل, الاحساس, والرياضيات موجودات

كوني حرة التفكير لتقيمى

لترى الحب الحقيقى منقى


الشعور الذى بداخلى

هو حب | وكرة

مثل حب ابويكى اليكى

اريدك ان تتغيرى فى كرهى

مع عدم التحكم بى

Author notes

I am writing in this poem, a hidden symbol “implicit meaning”, calling for the real freedom, calling to stop the invisible hand control.

Both Jinn groups are psycho MF

I love the U.S.A

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 19, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I love the U.S.A

Every one of us expresses his love in his own way

We will make the real freedoms come and stay

Continuing let the Anthem play

We have our differences but it is okay

We should live in togetherness without envy

The main thing I love about the U.S.A

It corrects what it finds wrong without a delay

As Americans we have lead the world in innovation, far away

We have shops surpassed in prettiness the Champs Elysees

U.S.A, I love your women, I am proud to say it, and I am not gay

They are the sweetest even if their hair turns gray

U.S.A, if you need me I will obey

Your love ambush in my soul and I am proud to say

I love your English language, its grammar, and its cliché

I ask Allah to bless America, I ask Allah on my pray

Your love can be, in many variable stores in one array

Unchangeable love, my love to the U.S.A

Author notes

I wrote this poem in 2015. It is about my feelings towards the U.S.A

My Dream To Possible 'Jessica'

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 19, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

I am thinking you are different.

I hope the thinking is right.

I hope the image is right.

You are so beautiful.

I love you from far, pure love.

I do not want to get near.

I do not want to break my heart.

If you think the image is

You want me to be image.

I have sensed on you.

sweet secrets charisma

I have sensed on you.

sanctity and meanings Dreamer

You are my dream to possible.

symbol of a beautiful white girl

In the American cultures, that heal

Have you wondered

How is love in my culture?

I am from a culture

People milky open book their hearts

They do not know hate

They do not know envy

They do not know skin differentiation

They do know love

They are Arabs with great moral ethics

And Arabs are not white or black

Can I take you there?

So we live happily ever after

It is my dream to possible

It is already on my mind

It is already there

It is in Sudan in ALHAQIBA Era

Author notes

I wrote this poem in 2001. It is about a girl named Jessica, this girl used to work in the ESL Department in DeVry Chicago Campus.

Now Jessica to me is my dream to possible symbol of a beautiful white girl, that I wish I have married long time ago

Solving the Code of Myself

by Mutaz-Awad-Elhag on December 19, 2015. © Mutaz Awad Elhag, All rights reserved

To be someone in the galaxy

It is so hard to be me

Who am I, I am still looking

Searching the truth; finding the truth

Hard that keep in holding the truth

Tearing apart … going to the wrong

I am un-wanting going to the wrong

I am in-wanting going to the right

It is the truth

In-Wanting, un-wanting, and different equation

The stranger feeling with the time and the place

The stranger feeling with the time and the space

Inside of me

Should I change to what i have found on me

Or keep on me as me

The solution, the equation, is un-clear

Wanting the clearing, balancing, and resting

To sleep at night in peace

كتبت هذه القصيده فى رحلتى فى البحث عن اعماق نفسى فى يوم 2, اكتوبر, 2005 اسميتها

.Solving The Code of Myself "حل شفرة نفسى"

حل شفرة نفسى

لكى اكون احدا فى الكون

اننى اجد صعوبه فى حل شفره نفسى

من اكون, لذلت ابحث

أبحث عن الحقيقه, وجدت الحقيقة

التمسك بالحقيقه صعب جدا

ساتمزق داخليا اذا انا سرت فى المسار الخطاء

لا اريد ان اسير فى المسار الخطاء

اريد ان اسير فى المسارالصحيح

المراد, اللامراد, والمعادله الصعبه

الاحساس الغريب فى وجود الزمن والمكان

الاحساس الغريب فى وجود الزمن والفراغ

فى داخل نفسى

هل احل شفره نفسى واسير

ام اسير من غير حل شفره نفسى

حل معادلة شفرة نفسى غير واضحه

اريد الوضوح, التوازن, والارتياح

ان انوم فى الليل بهدوء

Author notes

I wrote this poem in 2005, in that time I was solving the code of myself, so I named it Solving the Code of myself.